Thursday, December 10, 2009

A Silent Scream

My dreams are troubled, they yearn for you,
As the misty night silently passes through,
Like a rudderless ship my whispers stray,
And my sighs congeal to form the milky way.

The sickle-thin moon slices in two my heart,
The blood seeps out from my eyes red-cast,
It colours the shadows a deep henna-red,
Flame drowned in tears, my lamp lies dead.

The demon sky with tentacles that float,
Crushes my chest and smothers my throat,
I sit up coughing, my lungs fight for air,
As the dark prepares to take me in its care.

Perhaps my eyes will never see the light,
Perhaps I shall fail to survive this night,
For you remain lost, even to my dream,
And all that remains is my silent scream.

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